Jul 26, 2019
On this episode of the Marriage Talk Podcast, Terry and Sandy Lodico walk through the steps to recover and heal when you've delivered or received very hurtful words to/from your spouse. You know that moment when painful words escape your lips and you know they're going to leave a mark? Those "I know I shouldn't...
Jul 19, 2019
On this episode of the Marriage Talk Podcast, Terry and Sandy Lodico discuss the often difficult challenge of marriage for those in ministry. Pastors, missionaries, and those working in churches are often burdened with unrealistic expectations and MUST develop boundaries to protect the health of their marriage.
Jul 12, 2019
On this episode of the Marriage Talk Podcast, Terry and Sandy Lodico discuss the pressures and stresses of being in a military marriage. When duty calls, families often suffer...but serving the country doesn't have to be at the expense of your marriage.
This emotional episode contains some very pertinent advice for our...