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Welcome to the Marriage Talk Podcast, part of Marriage Talk Ministries! we're thrilled to have you join us for a new episode every Friday as we explore important topics to help make your "happily ever after" journey the best it can be.

Our hope is that the words and insights we share will be an encouragement, challenge, and blessing to you...and that you'll share the link to each episode with someone you know would benefit from listening.

Dec 17, 2024

Welcome to the Marriage Talk Podcast - Ep 190 - Secrets of Sex Part ONE with Shaunti Feldhahn & Dr. Michael Sytsma with a special focus on their breakthrough book, Secrets of Sex and Marriage: 8 Surprises That Make All the Difference

Most people are curious about sex and would love a few answers. "Are we normal?" "Why isn't my spouse as interested in sex as I am?" "I don't want to feel pressured, but don't want to disappoint my spouse either--what do I do?" "How do we handle the impact of medication, menopause, porn, ED, pain . . . ?"

Most importantly: "How can we get on the same page and create a thriving intimate life?"

Sex is one of the most common marriage issues (for example, almost 80% of couples are mismatched in how often they want it), but it doesn't have to be that way.

Relationship researcher Shaunti Feldhahn and renowned sex therapist Dr. Michael Sytsma have identified eight simple, transformational factors to help you move from disconnection to delight. This is knowledge you can trust,based on vast clinical experience and their breakthrough research, including the largest nationally representative study ever conducted with married couples about sex.

This book is not a "sex manual"; it is a fascinating, practical field guide that will help you intimately understand your spouse and create the marriage you've always wanted.





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